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Patrick Enderle

Patrick Enderle ist Head of Application and Service Engineering bei fruitcore robotics. Eine der Aufgaben, die Patrick Enderle mit seinem Team umsetzt, ist es Industrieroboter HORST in den verschiedensten Anwendungen und Branchen einsetzbar zu machen. Als Bindeglied zwischen Entwicklung und Vertrieb entwickelt das Team der Anwendungs- und Servicetechnik mit HORST Systemlösungen für die Kund:innen.


Protection and safety in automation with robots

One of the most important aspects of working with robots in the industry is safety. The guidelines for construction and operation primarily serve to protect the employees. Accordingly, industrial robots, modern Digital Robots, or Cobots may only be...

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Start automation immediately with complete industrial robot solutions

More and more companies want to work automatedly. After all, challenges like labor shortages or production gaps can be managed much more easily with...

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Industrial robots in smaller companies: Beneficial or unnecessary?

Digitization, Industry 4.0, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT): Isn't this something for large corporations with the appropriate budget, staffing,...

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